The best traditional place ever

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Posted by andri fredi - - 2 comments

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As the centre of the mataram kingdom in the past Jogjakarta nowdays has become one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia. This city of culture possesses a wealth of eternal tradition. Nuances of simple and intimate village life have become a main attraction. Whoever comes to Yogyakarta will be welcomed with the warmest of smiles.Yogyakarta has so many beautiful places to see….

The Kraton is the face of the past exhalting in it’s simplicity. Malioboro has become a street full of historical reminders. Merapi Volcano with its incomparable beauty and mystery, and the beautiful white sanded beach region with stunning sunsets which are unrivalled in their beauty. Yogyakarta will always be the lace to peek into the past. Come and taste an ancient traditional life and the spiritual richness of the society.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    nice blog...nice story

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